2023 Developmental Affective Neuroscience Symposium
Poster Session

Presenter Title
Lior Abramson The development of emotion differentiation following early caregiving adversities
Caitlin Aloisio Neural and Behavioral Response to Novel Social Stimuli in Behaviorally Inhibited Preschoolers
Ellen Annas Neurobehavioral and physiological effects of traumatic brain injury in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Hannah Becker Brain-based Predictors of Treatment Response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Anxious Youth
Zachary Brodnick A Comparative Analysis: The Longitudinal Investigation of 5-HTTLPR Polymorphisms and Life Stressors on Depressive Symptoms Across Adolescence and Adulthood.
Bridget Cahill Delta Beta Coupling and ERP Measures of Attention Bias as Predictors of Adolescent Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety Symptoms
Corinne Carlton Blunted Anticipatory Reward in Socially Anxious Teens: Roles of Peer Victimization and Anhedonia
Leah Church Examining the unique contribution of parental anxiety on adolescent neural responses during an emotion regulation task
Lindsay Irene Dickey Neural Markers of Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Adolescent Depression and Risk for Depression
Hailey Donald Behavioral differences in adolescent rats during instrumental learning and attentional set-shifting: A comparison of two models of pediatric brain trauma
Samantha Ely Posttraumatic stress alters adolescent attention-related brain and behavioral processes using non-emotional stimuli
John France Lower Cortical Glutamate Modulation during Emotional and Non-Emotional Inhibitory Control in Trauma-Exposed Adolescents assessed using 1H functional MRS
Jazlyn Gallego Low intensity pulsed ultrasound improves tissue recovery after implantation of intracortical microelectrode for brain computer interfaces
Dana Glenn Cognitive control function in youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder and subclinical symptoms
Stefanie Goncalves Adolescent Depression: A Multivariate Pattern Analysis Approach
Melanie Grad-Freilich Negative emotional reactivity to peer rejection in daily life is associated with future depression in girls with heightened amygdala reactivity to virtual peer rejection.
Felicia A. Hardi Characterizing heterogeneity in longitudinal associations of childhood adversity with adolescent functional brain networks and mental health using person-oriented approaches
Elizabeth Haudrich Evidence for a Diathesis Stress Model of Trauma and Sleep Dysfunction in Youth at Familial High-Risk for Schizophrenia
Sunghyun Hong Mother-Child Closeness, Adolescent Internalizing Symptomatology and Structural Neural Network Architecture
Isabella Kahhale Emotion regulatory brain structure and normative deviations: connections with subtypes of aggression
Valerie Karl The role of functional emotion circuits in distinct dimensions of psychopathology in youth
Jane Jiyoun Lee Determinants of child emotion regulation: Examining the effects of parent’s emotional and cognitive processes
Carly Lenniger Neural response to reward moderates associations between victimization and suicidality in sexual minority adolescents.
Jacob Lentz Adolescent Sleep Quality, Structural Network Connectivity, and Young Adult Depression and Anxiety During COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study
Morgan Lindenmuth The effects of chronic maltreatment on adolescent functional connectivity during risk processing
Nastasia McDonald Development of a Novel Paradigm to Examine Neurocognitive Markers of Vigilance in Response to Media Coverage of Racialized Killings: A Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Study
Shane McKeon Aperiodic EEG and 7T MRSI evidence for maturation of E/I balance supporting the development of working memory through adolescence
Nicolas Murgueitio Emotional reactivity as a mechanism linking threat and internalizing symptoms: A multi-modal assessment study across infancy and childhood
Cailee M. Nelson Evaluating ASD Symptomatology and Developmental Trajectories of Social Motivation in GRIN2B
Emma J. O’Brien Suicide attempt lethality has a differential association with objective and subjective suicidal intent based on age of onset of suicidal behavior
Amar Ojha Pubertal Maturation and Hormones Influence Mesocorticolimbic Development in Youth: Implications for Sensitivity to Rewards and Punishments
Adam Omary Longitudinal Changes in Pubertal Development, Hormones, and Neural Reward Response in the HCP-D Study
Eleanor Palser Dyslexia reveals associations between positive emotion regulation and structure of the left prefrontal cortex
Sujin Park, Chaebin Yoo, M. Justin Kim Linking neuroimaging-based features of normative structural and functional brain development in adolescents
Rebecca Revilla Using Brain and Behavior Metrics of Social Motivation to Predict Socially-Motivated Decision Making in Adolescents and Adults
Manessa Riser Childhood Anxiety May Predict PTSD Symptoms in Early Adolescent Females, but not Males
David Rogers Effects of Theta Burst Stimulation on Affect and Resting Frontostriatal Functional Connectivity in Young Adults with Depression
Alex Roth Network-wise functional connectivity and family risk predicting adolescents’ longitudinal change in anhedonia
Stanley Seah Understanding Suicide in Sexual Minority Youth: Neural Reactivity to Social Feedback as a Moderating Influence
Michelle Shipkova The roles of emotional reactivity and cognitive reappraisal in adolescent friendship stability
Brandon Sibbach Childhood Threat is associated with Stressor-Evoked Paraventricular Hypothalamic and Ventral Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Activity: A 7-Tesla Study
Grace Smotrich Impaired mother-infant bonding at 4-months postnatal predicts externalizing behaviors in toddlers born during COVID-19.
Holly Sullivan-Toole A whole-brain investigation of white matter coherence in relation to reward learning parameters in youth
Stephen J. Suss, Jr. Investigation of Activation Patterns within Proposed Affective Circuits in Adolescent Development and Anxiety
Katherine Vincent Effects of GABA-ergic inhibition on baseline EEG frontal power features and affective development
Ceci Westbrook Perseverative Thought Disengagement and Anxiety Symptomatology In Adolescence: A Project Proposal
Sara Westbrook Role of dopamine in reduced food motivation in gonadectomized male mice
Kefan Cathy Wu Examining Participant Experiences in a Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study with a Predominantly Underrepresented Sample: A Qualitative Analysis
Sandford Zeng Propensity for risky choices despite lower cue reactivity in adolescent rats
Yicheng Zhang Exploring the link between white matter microstructure and infant emotional regulation